


The chip can be implanted into the ear or neck. The alarm will be activated if the distance between the chip and the collar exceeds the pre-set limit.

GPS Tracking for Farm Animals and Equipment


GPS technology offers several advantages that can help farms reduce their costs, improve efficiency, and become more competitive. 

利用GPS系统追踪设备 GPS Tracking for Farm Equipment

While farm equipment such as tractors, balers, and combines allow modern farms to produce a significantly larger amount of food than farms in the past. Today's farms, however, need to operate as efficiently as possible to stay in business. GPS tracking farm equipment makes this much easier. Some of the advantages of using GPS on a farm include

  • Relying on GPS system farm tractors that can follow predetermined paths with very little oversight, thus reducing the number of employees that you pay
  • Using GPS equipment that you can control and track from a central location
  • Locating equipment no matter where it is on your farm, thus reducing the amount of time spent managing, storing, and retrieving these important tools

利用GPS系统追踪动物 GPS Tracking for Farm Animals

GPS tracking farm animals also has several benefits that can help a ranch or dairy farm thrive. When you use GPS tracking on your farm, you can

  • Finding missing livestock that has wandered away from the herd
  • Determine how much livestock you can commit to individual fields
  • Rotate fields to prevent erosion and pollution
  • Keep track of short-term and long-term herd behaviors that will help you manage animals

电子围栏技术早在1930在美国被应用在动物。Electric fences were used to control livestock in the United States in the early 1930s

The chip can be implanted into the ear or neck. The alarm will be activated if the distance between the chip and the collar exceeds the pre-set limit.
动物远离GPS设定范围,将会警报 The alarm will be activated if the distance between the chip and the collar exceeds the pre-set limit.
不会伤害牛只 Animals develop a respect for the fence with no feelings 

注意 Note:

不是实际围栏 no real ele. Fence 
围栏"不带电 no Electric quantity

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